sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2016


First of all I want to thank Oksana and Dan Thanks to invite me to my birthday (smiling). Then thank you all to come to celebrate with us (you could be doing something more interesting than celebrate the birthday of someone you barely know (laughing)). Thank you.

This is my first birthday celebration in 10 years. In these 10 years I never found any reason to celebrate. I don't know why. Maybe because I am far from family and friends.  When June comes doesn't matter how blue is the sky and how warm is the weather I feel always dark and cold.

These two years in Sheffield hasbeen a lovely surprise. Despite the weather and the lack of colour, Sheffield is indeed an unique city, mostly due to the people. I met in Sheffield unique people as Dan, Oksana, Paco, Chris and so many others. It was the first time in my life I met people living without fear, who enjoys the life with very simple things, as this small celebration. People who lives an eternal life right now.

They shown me that there is a solution for my fear and my existential problem, but one thing is to know that there is a solution the other much more difficult is to get it. Dan would say I keep on top of the fence and he is right. I sabotage all ways to get God, maybe because in this way I still have an excuse to sin and at same time I keep running my own life. If this is the case, the price is huge. An each year I feel more and more distant, as if my soul and body were vanishing. Yes a dead body doesn't have reasons to celebrate birthdays.

But If I am here right now with you is because Jesus, the same whom I don't believe, how ironic is it? I don't know how long I will keep ignoring his knock. I just hope that not be too late.

Well i am 28 years old and I feel lost and lonely. But today, even with this gray sky and this soft summer, I feel something. I just need to look the Zoe smile and I feel the entire universe touching my heart.

Well better end this speech before I start to cry. They say that the age is just a number, but the problem is that as physicist I take numbers very seriously (laughing). And this will be probabily my last year in this unique city. I miss you already.

With love

1 comentário:

  1. Até que enfim um rasgo de fé, dom que te foi concedido pelo baptismo e que imprime carácter. Que regista na alma a tua filiação divina. És filho de Deus, por mais longe que andes de Sua casa Ele sempre te espera como um Pai amoroso espera seu filho muito amado. A Marca do baptismo não se apaga e o dom da fé que te foi concedido também não desaparece por mais desvanecido e/ou adormecido que esteja. No fundo do teu ser lembra-te baixinho quem tu és. Tu és filho de Deus, vens de Deus e é para Deus que te diriges, só tens a liberdade de escolher o caminho.
